Personal Data




Use, Protection and Sharing

Here is some detail on significant NHS data sharing programmes. Please read this information carefully and decide whether or not you are happy for your data to be shared in these ways.

The following documents can be obtained by request from reception

  • EMP Privacy Statement
  • EMP Privacy Statement for 13-16 year olds
  • Easy Read Privacy Statement
  • EMP data sharing leaflet

Connecting Care

Connecting Care is a local version of the SCR, only available to authorised staff involved in your care within Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

The information viewable through Connecting Care is:

  • The people involved in your care
  • Allergies
  • Medications
  • Recent appointments you have attended
  • Diagnoses

You can opt out of Connecting Care by requesting a form from reception and returning it to the CCG (as advised on the form)

You can opt in to Connecting Care again by requesting a form from reception and returning it to the CCG.


Local data sharing in our clinical system

We are signed up to various data sharing agreements with local services, such as Community Nursing teams, Physiotherapy services and various healthcare services commissioned by the One Care Consortium. This allows them to view the records of our patients who attend these services. They cannot alter the record in any way and must only access records when clinically appropriate.

You can opt out of this service. Unfortunately you cannot opt out of each service individually – you must opt out of all of them or opt in to all of them. Please be aware that opting out of this data sharing may limit your ability to be seen by some of these services – if this is the case you will be advised when trying to book to see these services and can choose to opt in at this time.

You can opt out of this service by requesting a form from reception and returning this form to us

You can opt in to this service again by requesting a form from reception and returning this form to us


Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group, Bristol Council Public Health, South Central and West Commissioning Support Unit

These are organisations that commission and support the work we do in providing you with primary healthcare services. We have an agreement with these organisations that allows them to access data from our clinical systems – however the data they access is not patient identifiable, so there is no risk of a breach of confidentiality. This data is used by them to monitor and evaluate the services that they provide/commission/support as well as the general health needs of the local population.


NHS Digital data extraction

There are instances of data being extracted from our system by NHS Digital for use by other healthcare organisations/administrative bodies for purposes such as monitoring activity, analysis of health needs and service use, and supporting research. This data will most often be anonymised in some form so that no individual can be identified, but there are some instances in which patient-identifiable information may be extracted.

For more detail on extractions such as this, please visit the NHS: Your Data Matters website

You can opt out of these extractions by visiting this website, or calling 0300 303 5678.

For further information on the instances in which an opt out may not apply, please click on this link

You can also request that none of your personal identifiable data is extracted from our clinical system by NHS Digital. To opt out or opt back in again please request a form from reception and returning this form to us.

For more information about the use of your data by NHS Digital, and how you can opt out, please click this link to visit the website